Friend Level

1.Personal Growth
1. Be in Grade 5 or its equivalent.
2. Study Weekly Devotional Guide (weeks 1-13) and the book of Matthew utilizing printed or electronic resources.
3. Memorize the Pathfinder Pledge & Law.
4. Learn the Pathfinder Song.
2.Spiritual Discovery
1a. Memorize in order the names of the New Testament books of the Bible and know the four areas into which the books are grouped.
1b. Demonstrate your ability to find any New Testament book.
2. Memorize a Bible text for the following subjects:
Great Passages
Promises/ Praise
3. Participate in a skit on a story about the life of Jesus such as:
Jesus in the temple at 12
Jesus being tempted in the wilderness
Jesus feeding the 5,000.
or another favorite story about Jesus.
4. Learn about the worldwide Advent Awakening (late 1700s to 1844 time period) by identifying seven people and three events explaining why they are important.
1. Complete the Friend requirements.
2. Create a timeline showing the main events of the life of Jesus.
3.Serving Others
1. In consultation with your leader, plan ways and find opportunities to spend time being a friend with someone in need.
2. Spend at least four hours participating in projects that benefit the church or school.
1. Complete the Friends requirements.
2. Bring someone who does not regularly attend a church to a church program or activity.
4.Making Friends
1. Discover 10 qualities of being a good friend and share two that are most important to you.
2. Fulfill requirements #1, #2, and #3 of the Christian Citizenship Honor.
1. Complete the Friends requirements.
2. Complete the Christian Citizenship Honor, if not previously earned.

5.Health & Fitness
1. Learn the value of good nutrition & water by discussing:
The Choose My Plate guidelines
The daily servings for each food group
The importance of a balanced diet
The importance of drinking a healthy amount of water (these are requirements #1 and #6 of the Nutrition Honor)
2. Earn the Red Alert Honor.
3. Complete the Basic Water Safety or Beginner Swimming Honor, if not previously earned.
1. Complete the Friend requirements.
2. Participate in a lifestyle fitness program for your age such as:
Live Healthy Bermuda Kids
Or similar program

6.Nature Study
1a. Read Rom. 1:19, 20 and tell how nature reveals God's character.
1b. Find two other chapters in the Bible that demonstrate how nature reveals God's character.
2. Birds/ Mammals Set up a feeding station for the birds or mammals. Report on the types of visitors you observe for one week.
1. Complete the Friend requirements.
2. Seeds or Amphibians/ Reptiles: Collect and identify fifteen (15) different kinds of seeds. OR Help set up and observe a terrarium for amphibians/ reptiles.
3. Complete a nature honor at your skill level, not previously earned. (Skill level 1)

7.Outdoor Living
1. Tie and know the practical use of 10 knots.
2. Earn the Camping Skills I Honor.

8. Honor Enrichment
1. Complete one honor at your skill level, not previously earned in the area of Arts & Crafts or Household Arts. (Skill level 1)
2. Complete one honor at your skill level, not previously earned, in the area of Recreational, Vocational, or Outdoor Industries. (Skill level 1)